Sensory analysis technology oriented towards consumer and product research

Taste Lab has developed the SENSEBIT software in the form of a sensory analysis platform through digitized surveys to obtain data in an automated way that generates automatic reports with the use of artificial intelligence.

It is a unique software in the international market, which is marketed through user licenses, and which is already being marketed at the state level, mainly in large companies that were already doing sensory analysis.

Other projects

“BioIncubaTech – High Technology Incubator for the promotion of innovation and transfer of biotechnology in the field of health and food technologies to micro and SME’s” is an operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF within the Pluri-regional Operational Programme of Spain ERDF 2014-2020 OP Project “High Technology Incubators for the promotion of innovation and transfer of technology to micro and SME’s”.


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