Biostatech Advice Training and Innovation In Biostatistic S.L.
Consultancy in biostatistics and applied statistics in Life and Health Sciences

BIOSTATECH is a biostatistics and applied statistics company, created in March 2012, recognised and endorsed by its scientific quality as a spin-off of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

The interdisciplinary nature of our team, and the network of connections and collaborators, allow us to provide quality solutions to problems posed by researchers and companies, which guarantees:

  • Understanding the problem
  • The search for the best solution with high scientific quality.
  • Professional and specialised development
  • The enhancement of the final product

Other projects

“BioIncubaTech – High Technology Incubator for the promotion of innovation and transfer of biotechnology in the field of health and food technologies to micro and SME’s” is an operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF within the Pluri-regional Operational Programme of Spain ERDF 2014-2020 OP Project “High Technology Incubators for the promotion of innovation and transfer of technology to micro and SME’s”.


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