BeWell Agrosolutions
Development of comprehensive, objective and innovative animal welfare assessment methodology

BeWell Agrosolutions S.L. is a technology-based company (EBT) that arises from the BioMODEM research group of the University of Santiago de Compostela, where work has been carried out on pig farms for more than 10 years, with the characterisation of the environment and its impact on animal welfare and production as its main line of research.

In 2018, as a result of this acquired knowledge and with the appearance of the first animal welfare certifications on the market, they began to detect the difficulties on the part of technicians and official bodies in carrying out reliable and quality measurements of environmental parameters in livestock farms and the lack of certain variables that are relevant in the analysis of welfare and that were not included in the current certifications. The research group saw the time to transfer their work and develop a comprehensive and innovative methodology to evaluate animal welfare in an objective and comprehensive way, with the main motivation of providing added value to the sector and caring for its image.

In this way, they provide a tool for monitoring and evaluating not only animal welfare on farms, but also health, biosecurity, handling and traceability, in a way that integrates and reinforces food safety.

Other projects

“BioIncubaTech – High Technology Incubator for the promotion of innovation and transfer of biotechnology in the field of health and food technologies to micro and SME’s” is an operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF within the Pluri-regional Operational Programme of Spain ERDF 2014-2020 OP Project “High Technology Incubators for the promotion of innovation and transfer of technology to micro and SME’s”.


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