Development of novel inhibitors targeting tumour progression and carcinoma metastasis
USC spin-off whose objective is focused on the development of innovative inhibitors targeting early stages of tumour progression and also metastasis. They address the urgent need to develop new therapeutic strategies for patients with metastatic cancer, given that current treatments for cancer metastasis (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) have limited success in advanced stages of the disease.
They are currently conducting a proof-of-concept trial with anti-tumour drugs against metastasis for colorectal cancer.
Other projects
“BioIncubaTech – High Technology Incubator for the promotion of innovation and transfer of biotechnology in the field of health and food technologies to micro and SME’s” is an operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF within the Pluri-regional Operational Programme of Spain ERDF 2014-2020 OP Project “High Technology Incubators for the promotion of innovation and transfer of technology to micro and SME’s”.